God's Decree! "Watch this potter. In the same way that this potter works his clay, I work on you, people of Israel. At any moment I may decide to pull up a people or a country by the roots and get rid of them. But if they repent of their wicked lives, I will think twice and start over with them. At another time I might decide to plant a people or country, but if they don't cooperate and won't listen to me, I will think again and give up on the plans I had for them.
“You must not pass along false rumors. You must not cooperate with evil people by lying on the witness stand.
While you also cooperate by your prayers for us [helping and laboring together with us]. Thus [the lips of] many persons [turned toward God will eventually] give thanks on our behalf for the grace (the blessing of deliverance) granted us at the request of the many who have prayed.
So we ourselves ought to support such people [to welcome and provide for them], in order that we may be fellow workers in the Truth (the whole Gospel) and cooperate with its teachers.
"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.
Jeremiah 18:5 Exodus 23:1 2 Corinthians 1:11 3 John 1:8 Matthew 5:9
We make a living by what we earn; we make a life by what we give.
LIFEgroups – together experiencing God
“You must not pass along false rumors. You must not cooperate with evil people by lying on the witness stand.
While you also cooperate by your prayers for us [helping and laboring together with us]. Thus [the lips of] many persons [turned toward God will eventually] give thanks on our behalf for the grace (the blessing of deliverance) granted us at the request of the many who have prayed.
So we ourselves ought to support such people [to welcome and provide for them], in order that we may be fellow workers in the Truth (the whole Gospel) and cooperate with its teachers.
"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.
Jeremiah 18:5 Exodus 23:1 2 Corinthians 1:11 3 John 1:8 Matthew 5:9
We make a living by what we earn; we make a life by what we give.
LIFEgroups – together experiencing God
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