photo: Gleneagle,CO
From high in the skies God looks around, he sees all Adam's brood. From where he sits he overlooks all us earth-dwellers. He has shaped each person in turn; now he watches everything we do.
Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.
Turn and answer me, O Lord my God! Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
Turn your back on sin; do something good. Embrace peace—don't let it get away!
Turn your back on evil, work for the good and don't quit. God loves this kind of thing, never turns away from his friends.
All believers, come here and listen, let me tell you what God did for me. I called out to him with my mouth, my tongue shaped the sounds of music. If I had been cozy with evil, the Lord would never have listened. But he most surely did listen, he came on the double when he heard my prayer. Blessed be God: he didn't turn a deaf ear, he stayed with me, loyal in his love.
Psalm 33:13 Psalm 6:4 Psalm 13:3 Psalm 34:14 Psalm 37:27 Psalm 66:16
No one is beyond the reach of God’s love.
LIFEgroups – together experiencing God
Glenn – 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921
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