Friday, June 30, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Steamboat Springs, CO)

I rejoice in your word like one who finds a great treasure.

Your decrees are my treasure; they are truly my heart's delight.

(H)e will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure.

Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.

But this precious treasure--this light and power that now shine within us--is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own.

Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may take hold of real life.

Psalm 119:162 Psalm 119:111 Isaiah 33:6 Matthew 6:21 2 Corinthians 4:7 1 Timothy 6:19

The real measure of our wealth is the treasure we have in Heaven.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God.

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Thursday, June 29, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Steamboat Springs, CO )
My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me." And my heart responds, "LORD, I am coming."

When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, "Tell him to come here. "So they called the blind man. "Cheer up," they said. "Come on, he's calling you!"

I have come to call sinners to turn from their sins, not to spend my time with those who think they are already good enough."

And I, the Son of Man, have come to seek and save those like him who are lost."

God blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied. God blesses you who weep now, for the time will come when you will laugh with joy.

Come, let us tell of the LORD's greatness; let us exalt his name together

Psalm 27:8 Mark 10:49 Luke 5:32 Luke 19:10 Luke 6:21 Psalm 34:3

When Christians draw close to Christ, they draw closer to one another.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Katrina by unknown MS photogragher)

For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of all humanity.
Surely it is God's Spirit within people, the breath of the Almighty within them, that makes them intelligent.

Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!

"He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn't live in man-made temples, and human hands can't serve his needs--for he has no needs. He himself gives life and breath to everything, and he satisfies every need there is.

I will sing to the LORD as long as I live. I will praise my God to my last breath!

Then at last they will respect and glorify the name of the LORD throughout the world. For he will come like a flood tide driven by the breath of the LORD.

Job 12:10 Job 32:8 Psalm 116:2 Acts 17:25 Psalm 104:33 Isaiah 59:19

Mankind's limmited potential highlights God's limitless power.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Monterey,CA)
Don't let people waste time in endless speculation over myths and spiritual pedigrees. For these things only cause arguments; they don't help people live a life of faith in God.

"Do you think you can explain the mystery of God? Do you think you can diagram God Almighty? God is far higher than you can imagine, far deeper than you can comprehend, Stretching farther than earth's horizons, far wider than the endless ocean.

Hallelujah! I give thanks to God with everything I've got— wherever people gather, and in the congregation. God's works are so great, worth a lifetime of study—endless enjoyment!
Splendor and beauty mark his craft; His generosity never gives out. His miracles are his memorial— This God of Grace, this God of Love.

Just think! Though I did nothing to deserve it, and though I am the least deserving Christian there is, I was chosen for this special joy of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ.

May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen.

1 Timothy 1:4 Job 11:7 Psalm 11:1 Ephesians 3:8 Ephesians 3:21

God's love never never grows old - He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Monday, June 26, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Maui)
To all perfection I see a limit; but your commands are boundless.

For he is sent by God. He speaks God's words, for God's Spirit is upon him without measure or limit.

No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.

Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete. But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.

Now, friends, I want to report on the surprising and generous ways in which God is working in the churches in Macedonia province. Fierce troubles came down on the people of those churches, pushing them to the very limit. The trial exposed their true colors: They were incredibly happy, though desperately poor. The pressure triggered something totally unexpected: an outpouring of pure and generous gifts.

Psalm 119:96 John 3:34 1 Corinthians 10:13 1 Corinthians 13:8 2 Corinthians 8:1

The trials that imprison you need not limit God's work in you.

LIFEgroups - together expereincing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Friday, June 23, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Maui)
Let my cry come right into your presence, God; provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word. Give my request your personal attention; rescue me on the terms of your promise.

Jesus once again addressed them: "I am the world's Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in."

"'Obey what I tell you. Do exactly what I command you. Your obedience will close the deal. You'll be mine and I'll be yours. This will provide the conditions in which I will be able to do what I promised…

And don't worry about food--what to eat and drink. Don't worry whether God will provide it for you.

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.

Psalm 119:169 John 8:12 Jeremiah 11:4 Luke 12:29 2 Corinthians 9:8

Your problems can never exhaust God's provisions.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Thursday, June 22, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Maui)
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health.

Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.

Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God.

And that's about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure.

Proverbs 15:30 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Romans 12:11 Philippians 2:14 2 Corinthians 13:11

Even in the darkest hour, Christians have the brightest hope.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photos: 368 MHW, Colorado Springs)
And now that you have found God (or should I say, now that God has found you), why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spiritual powers of this world? You are trying to find favor with God by what you do or don't do on certain days or months or seasons or years. I fear for you. I am afraid that all my hard work for you was worth nothing.

He noticed a fig tree a little way off that was in full leaf, so he went over to see if he could find any figs on it. But there were only leaves because it was too early in the season for fruit.

There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.

I said to myself, "In due season God will judge everyone, both good and bad, for all their deeds."

Galatians 4:10 Mark 11:13 Ecclesiastes 3:1 Ecclesiastes 3:17

If you walk with God today, you can be confident about tomorrow.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Maui)
[ The Reality, Not the Illusion ] My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God's Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion. And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to his will, sure that he's listening. And if we're confident that he's listening, we know that what we've asked for is as good as ours.

God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon's scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey.Nothing and no one is impervious to God's Word. We can't get away from it—no matter what.

… When we see that you're just as willing to endure the hard times as to enjoy the good times, we know you're going to make it, no doubt about it.

… There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.

But Jesus was matter-of-fact: "Yes—and if you embrace this kingdom life and don't doubt God, you'll not only do minor feats like I did to the fig tree, but also triumph over huge obstacles.

1 John 5:13 Hebrews 4:12 2 Corinthians 1:6 Philippians 1:3 Matthew 21:21

When you encourage someone, both of your loads will be lighter.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Monday, June 19, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: morning, Lake Tahoe,CA)
God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end.

With my authority, take this message of repentance to all the nations, beginning (where you are) in Jerusalem: `There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me.'

And he also said, "It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega--the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give the springs of the water of life without charge!

God is able to make you strong, just as the Good News says. It is the message about Jesus Christ and his plan for you Gentiles, a plan kept secret from the beginning of time.

"Well, I began telling them the Good News, but just as I was getting started, the Holy Spirit fell on them, just as he fell on us at the beginning.

Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 Luke 24:47 Revelation 21:6 Romans 16:25 Acts 11:15 2 John 1:6

God knows the end from the beginning, so we can trust Him with everything between.

LIFEgroups - together expereincing God.

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Friday, June 16, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Colorado Springs)
You must crave pure spiritual milk so that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation. Cry out for this nourishment as a baby cries for milk

But they are not connected to Christ, the head of the body. For we are joined together in his body by his strong sinews, and we grow only as we get our nourishment and strength from God.

Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done.

The more you grow like this, the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Godliness leads to love for other Christians, and finally you will grow to have genuine love for everyone.

1 Peter 2:2 Colossians 2:19 Colossians 2:7 2 Peter 1:8 2 Peter 1:7

Loving the lost is the first step in leading them to Christ

LIFEgroups - experiencing God together!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Thursday, June 15, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Los Alamitos 7/2005)
You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus Christ was. Though he was very rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.

We praise God for the wonderful kindness he has poured out on us because we belong to his dearly loved Son.

He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding

Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart.

We have proved ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our kindness, our sincere love, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

."This is what the LORD Almighty says: Judge fairly and honestly, and show mercy and kindness to one another.”

2 Corinthians 8:9 Ephesians 1:6 Ephesians 1:8 Proverbs 3:3 2 Corinthians 6:6 Zechariah 7:9

Kindness is always in season.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Steamboat Springs, CO)
"The people I love, I call to account—prod and correct and guide so that they'll live at their best. Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God!

The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by any evil.

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting his own ideas; he will be telling you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.

The LORD will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.

Revelation 3:19 Psalm 32:8 Psalm 119:133 John 16:13 Isaiah 58:11 Matthew 7:12

The light of God's holiness convicts the sinner and guides the saint.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Naples -Long Beach,CA)
Truly, I love your commands more than gold, even the finest gold.

"Choose my instruction rather than silver, and knowledge over pure gold.

But he knows where I am going. And when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent.

My gifts are better than the purest gold, my wages better than sterling silver!

18 For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. 19 He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.

Psalm 119:127 Proverbs 8:10 Job 23:10 Proverbs 8:19 1 Peter 1:18

Our greatest riches are the riches we have in Christ.

LIFEgroups - together expereincing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Monday, June 12, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Hwy 165 near Bishop Castle,CO) )
Reverence for the LORD is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the LORD are true; each one is fair.

God is a judge who is perfectly fair. He is angry with the wicked every day

The ones who can live here are those who are honest and fair, who reject making a profit by fraud, who stay far away from bribes, who refuse to listen to those who plot murder, who shut their eyes to all enticement to do wrong.

Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will know how to find the right course of action every time.

[ Blessings for All Nations ] "Be just and fair to all," says the LORD. "Do what is right and good, for I am coming soon to rescue you.

And he (God) is entirely fair and just in this present time when he declares sinners to be right in his sight because they believe in Jesus.

Psalm 19:9 Psalm 7:11 Isaiah 33:15 Proverbs 2:9 Isaiah 56:1 Romans 3:26

When prople are more important than profits, everyone profits.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Friday, June 09, 2006

God's word

a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Eagle Lake (above Lake Tahoe,CA)

"Is God's comfort too little for you? Is his gentle word not enough?

And the Scriptures also say, "He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that will make them fall." They stumble because they do not listen to God's word or obey it

25 And you husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her 26 to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God's word. 27 He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.

I have written to you, children, because you have known the Father. I have written to you who are mature because you know Christ, the one who is from the beginning. I have written to you who are young because you are strong with God's word living in your hearts, and you have won your battle with Satan.

But those who obey God's word really do love him. That is the way to know whether or not we live in him.

Job 15:11 1 Peter 2:8 Ephesians 5:26 (25-27) 1 John 2:14 1 John 2:5


The rich treasures of God's word are waiting to be discovered.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Thursday, June 08, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Breckenridge,CO)
Because of God's tender mercy, the light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace."

the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

[ Christs Sacrifice Once for All ] The old system in the law of Moses was only a shadow of the things to come, not the reality of the good things Christ has done for us.

As a result of the apostles' work, sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter's shadow might fall across some of them as he went by.

Luke 1:79 Matthew 4:16 Psalm 34:5 Hebrews 10:1 Acts 5:15


Does your life shed light or cast shadows?

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Steamboat Springs,CO)
There's more: God's Word warns us of danger and directs us to hidden treasure.

How can we understand the road we travel? It is the LORD who directs our steps.

A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.

[ God Examines Our Motives ] Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by God; he directs it to whatever ends he chooses.

This is what the LORD says … "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.

But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you].

Psalm 19:11 Proverbs 20:24 Proverbs 16:9 Proverbs 21:1 Isaiah 48:17 Romans 8:9


Make your plans. But write them on paper, not concrete. God and life have a way of intruding and leading you on a journey that you might not have anticipated in your wildest dreams. (Haddon Robinson)

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs)
Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock.

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold.

He turned the rock into pools of water; yes, springs of water came from solid rock.
and all of them drank the same miraculous water. For they all drank from the miraculous rock that traveled with them, and that rock was Christ.

God warned them of this in the Scriptures when he said, "I am placing a stone in Jerusalem that causes people to stumble, and a rock that makes them fall. But anyone who believes in him will not be disappointed. "

Do not tremble; do not be afraid. Have I not proclaimed from ages past what my purposes are for you? You are my witnesses--is there any other God? No! There is no other Rock--not one!"

Isaiah 26:4 Psalm 18:2 Psalm 114:8 1 Corinthians 10:4 Romans 9:33 Isaiah 44:8

To experience God's strength, we must first admit our weakness.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Monday, June 05, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: first day out of the nest)
Yet faith comes from listening to this message of good news--the Good News about Christ.

Now he cares for you more than ever when he remembers the way you listened to him and welcomed him with such respect and deep concern.

That is why the Holy Spirit says, "Today you must listen to his voice.

[ Listening and Doing ] My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

And we can be confident that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will.

Romans 10:17 2 Corinthians 7:15 Hebrews 3:7 James 1:19 1 John 5:14


God hears more than words - He listens to the heart.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Friday, June 02, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: Flying W ranch, Colorado Springs)

I will be to Israel like a refreshing dew from heaven. It will blossom like the lily; it will send roots deep into the soil like the cedars in Lebanon.

The wild animals in the fields will thank me, the jackals and ostriches, too, for giving them water in the wilderness. Yes, I will make springs in the desert, so that my chosen people can be refreshed.

When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs, where pools of blessing collect after the rains!

Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And the LORD has pronounced his blessing, even life forevermore.

A person's words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.

The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Hosea 14:5 Isaiah 43:20 Psalm 84:6 Psalm 133:3 Proverbs 18:4 Proverbs 11:25


In every desert of trial, God has an oasis of comfort.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921

Thursday, June 01, 2006


a WORD from God's Book
(photo: South of Steamboat Springs, CO)

Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!

[ Story of the Lost Sheep ] "If a shepherd has one hundred sheep, and one wanders away and is lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others and go out into the hills to search for the lost one?

"You search the Scriptures because you believe they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!

[ The Unbelieving People Warned ] Later Jesus said to them again, "I am going away. You will search for me and die in your sin. You cannot come where I am going."

Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

Psalm 139:23 Matthew 18:12 John 5:39 John 8:21 Jeremiah 29:13


To know Christ is to know the truth.

LIFEgroups - together experiencing God!

Glenn - 368 Mission Hill Way, Colorado Springs CO 80921